Those who own data, own the future
In the recent time, we are hearing the “Data” most of the time. Weather you look at the news or you read any article. You must have heard few these sentence “Data is the new oil”, “who own data, own future”.
Since the starting of 21st century, we are giving our most valuable asset “Our personal Information” in free or in exchange of some free searching service, email service or to some social networking site.
The company like Google state that they are collecting information so they can show you the personalized advertisement instead of showing irrelevant advertisement. But their main business is not to sell the advertisement rather selling your personal information. Once they know everything about it is very easy for them to influence you. They can easily convince you to buy a particular product even they can manipulate your choice in elections. As we have already seen American Election 2015, where Cambridge Analytica helped a particular candidate to manipulate people by pressing the people emotions button.
If we don’t control these kind of things this can result into a Digital Dictatorship. As we are already aware that the big data technology and Artificial intelligence is growing at immense speed and the brands like Google, Facebook, Baidu & Tencent having enormous amount of data about the people. For big data technology more the data more better the accuracy.
If I talk about the equality in terms of wealth, only 1 percent rich people having the 90% wealth of world. An average man losing their economic value due to automation & robots once the average man completely looses it economic value. Then we can Imagine what could be happen to the equality.
Since the last few centuries, Govts are working on education & Health because were need the Healthy labor to work in factories and Solider to protect their border.
But now, As we are more relying on the automation & robots for our work. Government also don’t need the cheap and healthy labor as they are having robot who have better efficiency than any human.
We can prevent all of these thing happening, by asking a simple question to ourselves : “Who own the data?”. By data, I mean our personal information, in future might be your DNA data, your brain data. We are having ownership of our physical asset since centuries so we know how to protect our Land, our property by fencing or doing so, we can restrict who can visit and who cannot But as the data we are not dealing with term for so long. We should learn to protect this asset too.